
a. Purposes of clinical supervision
b. Theoretical frameworks and models of clinical supervision
c. Roles and relationships related to clinical supervision
d. Skills of clinical supervision
e. Opportunities for developing a personal style of clinical supervision
f. Assessment of supervisees’ developmental level and other relevant characteristics
g. Modalities of clinical supervision and the use of technology
h. Administrative procedures and responsibilities related to clinical supervision
i. Evaluation, remediation, and gatekeeping in clinical supervision
j. Legal and ethical issues and responsibilities in clinical supervision
k. Culturally relevant strategies for conducting clinical supervision

Personal Supervision Model

This document demonstrates my ability to know and understand the supervision models and adapt them into my own model. 

Meets criteria

a. b. c. d. i. j. k. 

Proposal Reviewer for VACES

I was able to volunteer as a reviewer for proposals to the 2021 Virginia Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. I was able to review four proposals and give feedback to the presenters of this conference. Attached are the emails communicating the reviewing process. 

Meets criteria

c. d. e. f. h. i.

Supervision Video 

For the requirements of COUC 714, a supervisee was found and several sessions were scheduled for practice supervision throughout the semester. The supervisee was a master level counselor at a local counseling agency. The attached artifacts are the professor feedback as well as the supervisee feedback to watching the submitted videos of the supervision sessions. 

Meets criteria

e. f. g. h. i. j. 

Consultation Model

As a fulfillment for the requirements for COUC 714, the following paper was written to propose a consultation model. The proposed consultation was designed for a local church to help with their mental health evaluation and intervention. 

Meets criteria

h. i. j. k. 

Supervision Internship

As a fulfillment for the requirements for COUC 980 I was placed as a co-professor for COUC 698 Counseling Practicum for Master level students. My responsibilities were weekly supervision meetings for video and skill review for students, grading and feedback for case conceptualizations and verbatim forms, and presenting on core counseling skills. The attached artifact provides evaluation from several of the students in this course. 

Meets criteria

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 

Supervision Presentation

As a fulfillment for the requirements for COUC 714 the attached presentation was given collaboratively with a fellow student. The presentation focused on presenting a common supervision theoretical model. Feedback is also included. 

Meets criteria

a. b. c. d. f. h. i. j. k. 

Supervision VCA Presentation

This 45 minute presentation with 15 minute Q and A (Cultivating Evaluation for Case Conceptualization in a Clinical Setting: Using a Critical
Thinking Framework) was given at the 2020 Virginia Counselors Association Conference in November 2020 virtually. This presentation was in collaboration with university faculty and detailed the ethics of utilizing a method of supervision for counseling students and supervisees. It was classified for continued education for state licensure. 

Meets criteria

a. b. c. d. f. h. i. j. k. 


      Supervision was perhaps my weakest competency going into the doctoral process and remains a competency I still need to develop more. However, it was perhaps one of the more rewarding competencies throughout my experiences. There is something exciting and special about connecting with a supervisee and helping them grow in their counseling skills. Supervision is like teaching, however, it can be very personal and tailored to each individual. I see supervision through a developmental model. Understanding each supervisee through where they are developmentally allows me to focus on which skill to develop and not expect them to be an expert in all of them. This process was modeled for me through my professors and their example will allow me to springboard into my own work.

      An area of strength for this competency is my passion for each student and my ability to see critically into their work as counselors. While I struggled to see what knowledge I had to contribute to a supervisee, through my internship and work with students, I began to see my ability to speak into their work and help them focus on the core counseling skills. There are very few things as rewarding as hearing your input making a difference in the development of a new counselor who has the ability to impact so many clients.

      Perhaps the greatest need for growth in this area is experience. While my experience centers in the educational realm, I want to begin to supervise residents for licensure as well. This thought is a heavy one as a supervisor is taking on the responsibility of the supervisee as well as being a gatekeeper for the counseling field. Continual learning and growing through being a part of professional organizations will remain top priorities in this competency moving forward.

      Supervision could be associated with how Jesus interacted with His disciples. Christ’s example to us is a model for me in my work with supervisees. Loving them, encouraging them, and challenging them to be all God created them to be all come from my new life in Christ.