a. Theories and skills of leadership
b. Leadership and leadership development in professional organizations
c. Leadership in counselor education programs
d. Knowledge of accreditation standards and processes
e. Leadership, management, and administration in counseling organizations and other
f. Leadership roles and strategies for responding to crises and disasters
g. Strategies of leadership in consultation
h. Current topical and political issues in counseling and how those issues affect the daily work
of counselors and the counseling profession
i. Role of counselors and counselor educators advocating on behalf of the profession and
professional identity
j. Models and competencies for advocating for clients at the individual, system, and policy
k. Strategies of leadership in relation to current multicultural and social justice issues
l. Ethical and culturally relevant leadership and advocacy practices
Non-Course Related Requirements
1. Membership in Professional Counseling organizations
2. Evidence of Counselor Licensure
3. Involvement with legislative or social advocacy
4. Attendance at two or more State or National American Counseling Association
Conferences (full conference not a workshop)
5. Proficiency in electronic course management system and computer technology skills
6. Participation in Counselor Education Program Evaluation (i.e., design a student survey
about the program and collect survey data, conduct a focus group with interview questions)
7. Manuscript submitted for publication in peer reviewed counseling journal
8. Scholarly presentation submitted to a state, regional, national, or international counseling
9. Department or Outside Department Research/Scholarship Involvement: Participation in collaborative research/scholarship with mentoring other (i.e., research study design, data
collection/analysis, manuscript preparation, etc.)
10. Assist program faculty teaching a graduate course in counselor education or present in a
graduate level counselor education class.
Poster Presentation at VACES 2020
This poster presentation (Increasing Career Choice for Minorities in STEM Fields) was given at the 2020 Virginia Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference in February 2020 in Norfolk, VA. It detailed the needs of the field to advocate for other career opportunities for minorities and women.
Meets criteria
1. 4. 8. b. h. i. j. k.
Education Presentation at VACES 2020
This 60 minute educational session (Face to Face: Increasing Relational Aspects of Online Counselor Education) was given at the 2020 Virginia Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference in February 2020 in Norfolk, VA. This presentation was in collaboration with a fellow PhD CES colleague and detailed how counselor education programs can increase relational aspects of instruction in an online format.
Meets criteria
1. 4. 5. 8. 9. c. d. e.
Presentation at FCA Conference 2020
This 60 minute presentation and 30 minute Q and A (Cutting Through the Fog: Helping Counselors Understand How Spirituality Impacts Pornography Use) was given at the 2020 Florida Counseling Association Conference in October 2020 virtually. This presentation was in collaboration with fellow PhD CES colleagues and detailed ethical considerations in how counselors handle clients dealing with problematic pornography use who are religious.
Meets criteria
1. 4. 5. 8. 9. c. d. e.
Presentation at VCA Conference 2020
This 45 minute presentation with 15 minute Q and A (Cultivating Evaluation for Case Conceptualization in a Clinical Setting: Using a Critical
Thinking Framework) was given at the 2020 Virginia Counselors Association Conference in November 2020 virtually. This presentation was in collaboration with university faculty and detailed the ethics of utilizing a method of supervision for counseling students and supervisees.
Meets criteria
1. 4. 5. 8. 9. c. d. e.
Licensed Professional Counselor (VA)
I completed the requirements and received my LPC license in the state of Virginia in August 2019.
Meets criteria
2. b.
Program Evaluation
I was involved in an assessment focus group for evaluating a Masters program in counseling. The focus group was done alongside a fellow colleague and interviewed several students within the program following an assessment question bank.
Meets criteria
6. a. b. c. d. e.
Professional Membership
I am a current member of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the Virginia Counseling Association (VCA). In addition I am a part of the chapters of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) and the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). In addition I am an active member in leadership within the student leadership organization CSI (Chi Sigma Iota) local chapter (Rho Eta).
Meets criteria
1. b. c. e. h. i.
Teaching Experience
During my progress through this program I had several opportunities to teach in a residential, online, and guest lecturing format. I co-taught COUN 505 (Counseling Techniques and the Helping Profession) with Dr. John Thomas, COUC 522 (Career Development and Counseling) with Dr. Joy Mwendwa, and I was able to guest lecture for Dr. Thomas in COUC 546 (Psychopathology) specifically on anxiety disorders.
Meets criteria
5. 10. a. d. e. f. h. k. l.
Professional Advocacy
Being a member of ACA has allowed me opportunities to advocate for the profession. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to write some emails to my senator (Senator Warner) and some congressional committees about the need to include counselors ability to accept Medicare in any relief package during the crisis. Some of my personal experience was shared and I was able to add my voice to thousands of others in advocating for our ability to help the elderly.
Meets criteria
3. f. h. i. j. k.
Philosophy of Leadership
The following paper outlines my personal philosophy of leadership. This paper that was in fulfillment of COUC 860 (Leadership and Advocacy in Counseling) details the servant leadership style I want to strive for in my current and future leadership opportunities.
Meets criteria
b. c. e. k. l.
Article Submission
In collaboration with three other faculty members at Liberty University, I helped develop and write the attached manuscript for submission in the Teaching and Supervision in Counseling Journal. This journal is the official journal for the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES). The article focused on a proposed model for supervision of counselors in training utilizing an adapted model based on De Bono’s six hats. The article is awaiting review currently.
Meets criteria
CSI Membership/Mentorship Committee Leader
For the 2020-2021 year, I served as a leader on the mentorship/membership committee for the Rho Eta chapter of Chi Sigma Iota at Liberty University. During this year I was involved in planning, executing, and facilitating the membership of CSI and providing opportunities for mentorship and connection. We utilized social media to provide easier access for referrals and research opportunities.
Meets criteria
a. b. c. e. k. l.
Building on the knowledge of what it means to be a counselor and how this field differs from others, leadership and advocacy have grown into passions of mine through this process. Early in the doctoral journey, I would hear the importance of being a part of professional organizations and advocating for the field of counseling. However, I was hesitant to see my contribution in this and gravitate toward simply working with my own clients and see those tasks as the job of someone else. My perspective changed when I began to see that advocating for the field and being involved in leadership opportunities was one of the best ways I could help my clients and my own work.
Perhaps the greatest strength in this competency is the mindset I have developed which says “I could do that.” Being involved in CSI leadership, winning the 2020 VCA emerging leader scholarship, and being involved in my local branches has all come from simply a willingness to serve. I have been amazed at the opportunities that arise from simply being willing. Exciting as this is, I also need to be careful to know my limits. I would love to continue to be involved in the ACA branches and run for office positions as opportunities arise.
I believe this is one of the competencies I have grown the most in through my doctoral journey. I never would have thought I would be serving in the opportunities I have found myself. Again, I need to learn better on how to be strategic and not get burnt out with opportunities. Knowing my limitations will be important going forward.
Christ again is my example in this area. I have adopted the mentality of servant leader which Christ modeled. My goal is not to lead due to my perceived superiority or to climb over others to get where I want. But to have an advocacy mindset to use my positions to help others and speak for those who have no voice or have been overlooked.